TR606 UniPulse Installation

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uniPulse TR-606 features

  • Full velocity control of all 7 voices
  • Six (6!) additional sounds (An 808ish deep clicky bassdrum and a higher pitched one, Only Snare Noise, Only Tom Noise, Each half of Cymbal (the hitting sound and the decaying sound))
  • Midi clock input. Clock is also sent to external din-sync devices.
  • Midi controlled Open hihat decay
  • You can install an additional midi socket, or use the existing DIN-Sync socket

After installation you can trigger the following instruments on midi channel 10:
BD: 36
SN: 38
LT: 45
HT: 48
CY: 49
OH: 46
CH: 42

and the extra sounds:
Bassdrum 2: 37
Deep Kick: 35
Felt Cymbal: 52
Snoyze: 40
Brush: 47
Closed Cymbal: 51

Open hihat decay CC 17 (when counting from 0)

The midi channel and the notes can be modified using our configurator tool (see below).

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Korg Minipops-120 Single Output Modification

Here you will find information on how to add single outputs to your beloved Minipops-120.
This mod is compatible to midi added with the uniPulse. An uniPulse installation manual for Korg Minipops 120 is here.

Attached is a picture (extracted from the service manual) of the circuitboard and the points/parts you have to desolder to add single outputs. The HighHats and Cymbal share the same output, so you will get 7 single outputs for Bassdrum, Snaredrum, Claves, High Conga, Low Conga, Bongo and Highat/Cymbal.

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Midi for Korg Minipops 7 (uniPulse installation)

This guide shows you how to use the Tubbutec uniPulse interface with a Korg Minipops 7. You can also add outputs for each instrument.

The config file for the Korg Minipops 7 is here.


– Full velocity control for all 14 instruments
– Velocity controls guiro pitch
– Midi sync (optional)

Guiro pitch is controlled by midi velocity. If you want a fixed pitch, adjust CV-voltage until the desired pitch is reached.

These are the midi notes to trigger the instruments when using our config file. You can of course change these notes using the uniPulse configurator.

  • Note 64: Conga
  • Note 60: SB
  • Note 61: LB
  • Note 75: CL
  • Note 37: RS
  • Note 36: BD
  • Note 82: QUI
  • Note 54: TAM
  • Note 38: SD1
  • Note 40: SD2
  • Note 42: HH
  • Note 49: CY1
  • Note 51:CY2
  • Note 56: CB
  • Note 74: Guiro, velocity controls pich

Trigger points:

The image below shows the trigger points. You can solder the uniPulse trigger outs directly to these points. An exception is the Guiro, which is connected to the uniPulse CV-out with an additional diode.

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Video showing midi to coil

Here is a video showing a custom midi interface developed by Tubbutec for analogue drum machines such as Korg Minipops, AceTone RythmAce, Maestro Rhythm King MRK-2, Roland TR77,…

It has the following features:

  • 16 pulse out channels + Guiro output and pitch control
  • Outputs selectable between +5V..+12V and -12V
  • Fully velocity sensitive
  • Adjustable pulse length between 0.3 and 1.3 ms
  • Midi learn


Sequential Tom power supply

This Sequential Tom needed a new power supply. It states to need 15V AC, but after a little bit of reverse engineering it turned out to actually need 2×7.5V AC. It is quite unlikely to find a wall adapter with 2×7.5V AC, so I had to build an own power supply. It is just a (fused) transformer in a case, and a plug attached to a cable that fits into the back of the Tom. Done 🙂

sequential tom (2)