Tubbutec Firmware Updater

Use this program to update the firmware of Tubbutec products. A user manual is included in the download.
The updater has been completely re-written and now supports OSX and windows.

Newest version:
Tubbutec Firmware Updater 2.31 (currently windows only)
– longer timeout for 6equencer
– added 6m0d6 support
– fix 6equencer update issues

previous versions:
Tubbutec Firmware Updater 2.0

OSX users, please read this how to describing how to open unsigned apps.

Firmware images:
newest Firmware images:


(We recommend to only update if you have any issues that are fixed in an update)
You need at least updater Version 2.1
1) Connect midi out from your computer to uniPulse
2) Make sure no other midi software is running
3) Start firmware updater and select the correct midi output (select any input, does not matter)
4) Select uniPulse from the drop-down list and follow instructions
Version 1.03 – 19.5.2020
– BUGFIX: fixed bug in midi stack that caused issues with some devices (eg. MPC)


Please be very careful when updating. Make sure no other midi software is running, you have proper midi connections and no other midi devices are connected to the same input.
(These are for the ‘normal’ SH-1oh1. For SH-1oh1 µTune edition, see below)

SH-1oh1 v.1.09 27.12.2020
– BUGFIX: clock divider mapping was incorrect
– Added menu: Send switch velocity via midi out option

SH-1oh1 v.1.07 1.2.2017
– BUGFIX: Pitch bend calibration was not saved properly
– BUGFIX: Midi in pitch now matches midi out pitch in all modes

SH-1oh1 v.1.06 23.11.2016
– FEATURE: Now sending velocity values in ‘as sounds’ mode based on accent. Can be used with ‘accent switch’ input to trigger same accents again.
– BUGFIX: Arp latch (hold) turned off when pressing the UP button
– BUGFIX: Wrong tuning on startup until pitchbend was sent.

SH-1oh1 v.1.05 15.11.2016
– BUGFIX: Keyboard now responses quicker
– FEATURE: When HOLD is pressed or arp is triggered fro midi, retriggering is turned off

SH-1oh1 v.1.04
– FEATURE: ARP ping pong mode (press UP+DOWN)
– FEATURE: added ADSR parameters: delay, polarity and looping mode
– BUGFIX: Bug when sending MTC quarterframe message
– BUGFIX: two uppermost notes behaved weird in ARP

SH-1oh1 v.1.03
– BUGFIX/FEATURE: (processor)noise has been reduced. The noise performance is now better then in the original SH-101.
– BUGFIX: midi note now turns off in arp mode
– BUGFIX: Gate does now turn off with rests in sequencer mode

SH-1oh1 v.1.02
– FEATURE: By default config menu not accessible via midi, can be switched on in config menu
– BUG: midi chan not filtered correctly
– BUG: hanging notes in key transpose

SH-1oh1 v.1.01
– BUGFIX: Sequencer is clocked from midi clock, if sender sends clock when stopped
– BUGFIX: Midi clock not in sync when changed
– BUGFIX: Mid velocity mapping not filtered by channel
– FEATURE: Parameters now return to previous value when velocity mapping is changed

SH-1oh1 µTune edition

SH-1oh1 µTune v1.08
– Fixed pitch bend bug


Please be very careful when updating. Make sure no other midi software is running, you have proper midi connections and no other midi devices are connected to the same input.

Juno-66 version 1.31
– FEATURE/FIX: Adjusted DCO control to better fit the behavior of the original CPU. Removes an issue with a ‘thump’ sound occurring on some Junos when playing the same note multiple times.

Juno-66 version 1.30
– FEATURE: Broadended noise spectrum by introducing artificial jitter
– BUGFIX: Updated code to handle with a rare case where the transpose switch is not handled correctly after start-up

Juno-66 version 1.29
– FEATURE: Added Local off (see updated user manual)

Juno-66 version 1.28
– BUGFIX: Arp was not behaving correctly in up/down mode when highest notes could not be played
– FEATURE: Made spread amount in menu exponential control
– BUGFIX: Fixed some minor issues with scale uploading
– Improves timing when playing connected notes via midi

Juno-66 version 1.26
– BUGFIX: Arp U&D mode was not working correctly
– BUGFIX: Arp max speed was not available

Juno-66 version 1.25
– FEATURE: Four custom scales can now be uploaded, selected. They are saved during power down.

Juno-66 version 1.24
– FEATURE: Upload a custom scale using midi.

Juno-66 version 1.23
– BUGFIX: Changed Up/Down mode of Arp to behave like original
– FEATURE: Portamento now switches fully off, when controlling speed over midi
– FEATURE: Looping mode, delay and polarity for ADSR
– FEATURE: ADSR and LFO are now reset with firmware reset

Juno-66 version 1.22
– BUGFIX: polymode only kills every second voice.
– BUGFIX: “click” sound when switching from very low to very high note

Juno-66 version 1.21
–   BUGFIX: midi controller not sensitive to specific midi channel

Juno-66 version 1.20
– ARP and SH-LFO clock sources can now be controlled via midi
– TRI-LFO max speed has been changed to about 2.2kHz. Due to technical reasons everything above was not usable. In exchange you get a better control law for the LFO-speed-course midi control
– BUGFIX: occasional double triggers when pressing keys in arp mode with internal arp clock.

Juno-66 version 1.1
1.1 contains the following new features:
– Additional ADSR envelope for filter
– Three voice mode
– New school chord memory modes
– Optional auto portamento in MONO B mode


Please be very careful when updating. Make sure no other midi software is running, you have proper midi connections and no other midi devices are connected to the same input.

ModyPoly version 2.45 2.5.2022
– BUGFIX: Fixes issue introduced in 2.43: Hires Upgrade stopped working

ModyPoly version 2.44  7.4.2022
– BUGFIX: ARP behavior on Mono/Poly.Removed voice reset on ARP reset.

ModyPoly version 2.43
– BUGFIX: Avoid pitch jump when pitching down via midi pitchbend

ModyPoly version 2.42
– BUGFIX: When uploading scales, the lowest note was set to note 25, is now 24 (C2)
– BUGFIX: When uploading scales, the highest 7 notes were not changed

ModyPoly version 2.41
– BUGFIX: Sustain and HOLD were not working when LATCH set to ON, or on Mono/Poly. A bug that was introduced in 2.3
– BUGFIX: Mono/Poly arp behaviour fixed in Poly mode (bug introduced in 2.3)

ModyPoly version 2.4
– FEATURE: Improved latency from internal keyboard. Optimised debouncing method to react to key presses faster.
– BUGFIX: Fixed calibration issue for Mono/Poly
– BUGFIX: Might fix a bug for some Mono/Poly with hanging keys or non-working auto-damp

ModyPoly version 2.3
– Added automatic sustain detection
– Code can now deal with dodgy MonoPoly ARP switches
– Triggering the Arp with audio is now more robust against double triggers.
– Fixes a bug with hanging notes in mono modes

ModyPoly version 2.2
– Fixes bug from 2.1 where settings and calibration was not saved correctly.
WARNING: You need to perform a firmware reset and possibly re-calibrate pitch bend after installing this update..

ModyPoly version 2.1
– Fixes bug: Mono/Poly + HiRes only: Poly LED only turning on when osc 4 on

ModyPoly version 2.0
– Now possible to record legato playing in sequencer
– Sequencer improved, longer notes possible
HiRes support:
– Portamento
– Microtonal tuning support
– Voice spread via midi
– alternative pitch bend method
– Glissando instead of portamento if no HiRes installed.
Get the updated user manual here.

ModyPoly version 1.6
– Fixed voice stealing issue when all voices active
ModyPoly version 1.571
ModyPoly version 1.57
– Now supports resonance control for Polysix
ModyPoly version 1.55
– Update for Mono/Poly: Adjusted timing with Arp retrigger to closer match the original
ModyPoly version 1.54
– BUGFIX: problem when sending MTC quarter frame messages

ModyPoly version 1.53
– midi controller messages are now filtered according to channel
1.51 fixes the following bugs:
– Pitch of Polysix drifts when playing a very low note after a very high note with the same voice
– In rare circumstances (depending on the hardware) the gate of voice 1 is not turned on correctly


ModySix version 1.55
– Update for Mono/Poly: Adjusted timing with Arp retrigger to closer match the original
ModySix version 1.54
– BUGFIX: problem when sending MTC quarter frame messages
– BUGFIX: midi controller messages are now filtered according to channel
– BUGFIX: Pitch of Polysix drifts when playing a very low note after a very high note with the same voice
– BUGFIX: In rare circumstances (depending on the hardware) the gate of voice 1 is not turned on correctly

ModySix version 1.5


Old program version

The old version can be found here:
Tubbutec Firmware Updater (old java based version)

Source code

Source code of Firmware Updater version 2