Brainstep firmware update

How to update Brainstep

How to see the current firmware version:

Go to Menu -> Misc -> About

Brainstep can be easily updated:

  1. Download the firmware .zip file
  2. Remove Brainstep’s SD card and put it in your computer’s card reader
  3. Copy the file “Brnstep.ebi” from the zip to the SD card
  4. Put the SD card back into Brainstep
  5. Hold SHIFT while turning on your case / plugging in Brainstep
  6. The bootloader will start and update Brainstep’s firmware. After a few seconds, the new firmware is installed and will start automatically.

Brainstep Firmare 1.11 — 1.10.2024
– BUGFIX: in the editor, if the gate probability was ‘low’, entering a new note would set a rest instead of the note.
– FEATURE: file browser now remembers paths for sets, scales and samples seperately
– BUGFIX: shifting euclidian sequence would also transpose the arp

Brainstep Firmare 1.10 — 28.9.2024