Replacing Minerva with Juno-66

This is a short manual on how to replace the Minerva mod for Juno-60 with the Juno-66. A few people have asked about this and we finally got the chance to perform the conversion.

It is fairly simple and straight forward:

  1. Unplug the Minerva board from the back panel. Unplug all connectors from it.
  2. Unplug the Minerva pitch bend board on the left and put back the original connectors. Don’t have a picture here, but it is obvious when you see it.
  3. Repair the damage to the arp clock wire. You need to put the crimped arp clock wire back in the connector where it belongs. In our case we were able to remove the crimp contact from the shell using a small screwdriver. Then just put it back into the original connector.
  4. Proceed with the juno-66 install normally as per the installation manual.