Create your own Brainstep samplepacks

There are several sample packs on Brainstep’s SD card already, however you can also create your own.
You will need up to 12 different samples with a maximum total length of 2.7s
You can use a lower number of samples and just duplicate them to use all keyboard keys. If duplicated, samples will only be saved once to save space.

Brainstep’s samples are rather LO-FI: 8-bit mu-law encoded with a samplerate of 24kHz.

To convert your samples into Brainstep’s sample pack format, currently there is a python script you need to run on your machine. The script’s parameters need to be configured to your samples:

# In this example, the samples are stored in a directory "Hyboid"
# Each sample needs to have a 2-character name and in .wav format
# In this example, the samples are stored in B1.wav, B2.wav, S1.wav, ....

samplepath = "Hyboid"
# the path to your samples

# Sample list and key mapping
# This array must have 12 entries
# you can have duplicate entries, in which case the sample is only saved once
# sample files must be placed in the root directory with the same 2-letter name as .wav

filenameList = ["B1", "B2", "S1", "S2", "VX", "HT", "OH", "CH", "HT", "OH", "CH", "VX"]
# List of samples in the pack

SamplePackName ="Hyboid's drums";
# Name of the sample pack, maximum 16 chars

outputFileName ="hyboid.smpl"
# Output file name. Must be .smpl

volumesAccented = [127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127, 127];
# Volumes (0..127) of an accented sample. Currently not used in Brainstep

volumesNormal = [64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 , 64 ];
# Volumes (0..127) of a non-accented sample. Currently not used in Brainstep