TR606 UniPulse Installation

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uniPulse TR-606 features

  • Full velocity control of all 7 voices
  • Six (6!) additional sounds (An 808ish deep clicky bassdrum and a higher pitched one, Only Snare Noise, Only Tom Noise, Each half of Cymbal (the hitting sound and the decaying sound))
  • Midi clock input. Clock is also sent to external din-sync devices.
  • Midi controlled Open hihat decay
  • You can install an additional midi socket, or use the existing DIN-Sync socket

After installation you can trigger the following instruments on midi channel 10:
BD: 36
SN: 38
LT: 45
HT: 48
CY: 49
OH: 46
CH: 42

and the extra sounds:
Bassdrum 2: 37
Deep Kick: 35
Felt Cymbal: 52
Snoyze: 40
Brush: 47
Closed Cymbal: 51

Open hihat decay CC 17 (when counting from 0)

The midi channel and the notes can be modified using our configurator tool (see below).

The installation manual for the new rev2 of 606-uniPulse can be found in this .zip file. It contains two PDF files.

The new version is:
– easier to install! Pre tinned wires and a low profile board makes installation a piece of cake.
– improved power supply. Solves issues with some 606s with weak supplies
– more fool proof: input and output protection make sure it survives even a botched install and or power surges.

Installation is fairly easy and only requires basic soldering skills. 606-uniPulse comes with pre-tinned wires which only have to be soldered onto the tr-606 board. It is not necessary to drill any holes – the existing DIN-sync socket can be used for midi while maintaining its original function!

The uniPulse config file for TR-606 (right click, save as) can be used as template to change pulse shapes, midi channel and other settings.

Old version

The installation manual for the old version is available as PDF here:
UniPulse TR606 Installation Instructions
Here are the connection points (also pdf):
TR-606 trigger points

Also download the uniPulse config file for TR-606 (right click, save as)