When retrofitting midi to old gear using our kits, often holes for the midi sockets need to be drilled. This guide is how we do it and shows a clean, easy way using a hole punch.
- Drill Aid
- Center Punch
- 2mm drill
- 3.2mm drill
- 4mm drill
- 6mm drill
- 8mm drill
- Screw hole-punch 15.2mm
- Box wrench 13mm
- Electric drill
3. Remove drill aid
5. Use 3.2mm drill
6. Use 4mm drill
7. Use 6mm drill
8. Use 8mm drill
9. Insert screw and skirt of the screw hole-punch
10.Attach the cutting part of the screw hole-punch
11.Use the box wrench, clockwise
12. Result
13. Install MIDI jack
That’s all. Have fun.