Brainstep controller

300,00  (incl. VAT approx: 300,00  * )

Currently out of stock - Available for pre-order



Brainstep controller gives easy access to Brainstep’s envelopes, LFOs, mixer and glide parameters.
With 25 LED sliders, 8 buttons, and 20 LEDs, all 16 envelopes and 8 LFOs are directly accessible.

Brainstep Controller features track selectors and can control one or multiple tracks at once.
The LEDs of LFO waveform and sync, as well as envelope decay and loop are color coded, and can show the state of mulitple tracks at once.

Brainstep controller connects to Brainstep via TRS MIDI, and has an additional MIDI input that is merged with the controller data. This way, you do not loose a MIDI input when using it.

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