Brainstep Controller

Controller for Brainstep’s modulation parameters

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Brainstep Controller is an expander for our Brainstep module. While it is possible to change Brainstep’s envelope and LFO parameters using the menu, Brainstep Controller creates a more direct, hands on approach.
The 25 sliders let you control most accent, ADSR and LFO parameters. Additionaly, the glide time can be controlled.

How to connect

Brainstep Controller is a specialized MIDI controller using TRS-A input and output jacks. A stereo jack cable needs to be used to connect the controller’s output the Brainstep’s TRS MIDI input.
MIDI data coming into the controller’s TRS input is merged with the controller data and sent to Brainstep. This way, no MIDI input is lost when using the controller.

Visualizing parameter changes
When receiving data from the controller, Brainstep can display the currently changing value on its display. To turn on this feature, go the Brainstep’s configuration menu and select Misc->Display->Overlay timeout. Here, you can set the number of seconds the value is shown, or turn this feature off.

Sending the current state
You might want to send the current position of the sliders and buttons to Brainstep to syncronize them. In order to do so, select the tracks you want to synchronize and press the TR1 and TR2 buttons simultanously.

Layered architecture

Brainstep Controller has a layered architecture that allows the control of all four of Brainstep’s tracks. With the four buttons on the right labelled TR-1..4, you can select which track to control. Multiple selections are possible, which means you could change the envelope attack of track 3 and 4 simultanously.
Where LEDs are used to indicate a state, their colors reflect the state of multiple selected tracks:

  • Red: All selected tracks have this setting
  • Blue: only one of the selected tracks have this setting
  • Pink (with another one blue): Two of the selected tracks have this setting.
  • Purple (with another one blue): Three of the selected tracks have this setting.

The sliders only send MIDI values when moved. So selecting a different track on the controller will not change any of the parameters. Only when you start moving a slider, its state will be sent.

Parameter list

Mixer A / B
These parameters control the amout of the various sources that can output on Brainstep’s A and B output:

  • Level amount
  • LFO amount
  • ADSR amount
  • Accent amount

Glide time
Controls the glide time

Control of Brainstep’s LFO

  • FREQ: LFO frequency in free mode or LFO divider in synced mode
  • DEL: LFO delay
  • WAVE: Pressing this button cycles through the LFO waveform as indicated by the LEDs
  • SYNC: Toggles between free and synced mode

Note: there is no dedicated button for LFO reset on/off. However, when delay is > 0, Brainstep automatically activates reset.

Control of Brainstep’s ADSR envelope

  • ATTACK: Attack time
  • DEC: Decay time
  • SUS: Sustain level
  • RELEASE: Release time
  • LOOP: LFO looping on/off

Control of Brainstep’s accent parameters

  • ATTACK: Accent attack time
  • DECAY: Accent decay time

Configuration menu

The panel mentions a configuration menu when pressing TR3 and TR4 simultanously. Currently, no such menu is implemented. However, should ne need for such a menu arise, we will do so.